Panic stations!! My washing machine wont drain the water and wont spin either. We hear this nearly every day in the office. Most times the cause is a simple blockage so before calling out a technician; have a look at the coin trap or filter which in most machines is accessable from the front of the machine located at the bottom.
You may need to drain the water from the machine initially so that you dont have a large puddle on the floor when you open it. If your machine in an integrated type you will have to remove the kickboard in front of the machine too first.
Having drained it manually simply unscrew the filter cover and point a torch into the chamber to see if there is a blockage. We come across all sorts of things in there including coins, hairclips, keys, socks and jewellery to mention just a few. Once removed you shoulf then turn the machine on to a drain only cycle to see that the pumps impellor is spinning. If it is then you can happily screw the filter cover back in and thats it. Job done!